divendres, 6 de setembre del 2013

Caputxeta vermella i llop - Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf

Fa molt de temps hi havia una noia molt bonica. La seva mare li havia fet una capa vermella i la noia la portava tant sovint que tothom li deia la Caputxeta vermella...

Once upon a time there was a really pretty girl. Her mother made a red hoodie for her, and she wore it so often that everyone started calling her Little Red Riding Hood .
Un dia, la seva mare li va demanar que portés unes galetes a la seva àvia que vivia a l'altra banda del bosc, recomanant-li que no s' entretingués pel camí, doncs creuar el bosc era molt perillós, ja que sempre anava rondant per allà el llop

One day, her mother asked her to take some cookies to her grandma, who lived at the other side of the forest. She advised her it was dangerous to stop on the way, because the wolf was always around the forest.
La caputxeta anava tota distreta per el bosc recollint flors i parlant amb els ocellets quan de sobte, va veure el llop, que era enorme, davant seu.
- On vas, nena? - li va preguntar el llop amb la seva veu ronca.
- A casa de l'àvia - li va dir la Caputxeta.
- No és lluny ... - va pensar el llop per a ell mateix, girant-se.

Little Red Riding Hood was wandering around the forest, collecting flowers and talking to birds. All of a sudden, she saw the huge wolf right in front of her.
“Where are you going, child?” the wolf asked with a hoarse voice.
“To my grandma’s.” said Little Red Riding Hood.
“It’s not that far...” thought the wolf while he turned around.

Resumint.. que en la versió oficial el llop va a casa l’àvia (se la menja o aquesta s’amaga.. depèn si vols ser cruel o no) es fa passar per ella.. i després d’una gran conversa la caputxeta ho descobreix.. ell intenta atacar-la però arriba un caçador i conte contat…

To summarise: in the official version the wolf goes to grandma’s house, he eats her – or she hides, depending on how mean you want to be – and he pretends to be her. After a long conversation Little Red Riding Hood finds out he’s the wolf. He tries to attack her but a hunter arrives and he saves her.
En el meu cas però m’agradaria pensar que el llop no era tant dolent, que se’n va anar corrent a casa l’àvia perquè aquesta li estava preparant una festa sorpresa a la caputxeta i ell no se la volia perdre… i tots van viure feliços tot menjant pastissos.
Us presento a la caputxeta i el seu wolfy!!

In my case, however, I’d like to think the wolf wasn’t that bad. He ran to grandma’s house because she was preparing a suprise party for Little Red Riding Hood and he didn’t want to miss it. And they all lived happily after – eating cakes.
Let me introduce you to Little Red Riding Hood and Wolfy!

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